As mentioned with the site above, this company has added a paragraph of Industry Email List text to explain to people why they should be considered the experts in their field. While we don't know if Google is looking at this specifically, we think it can help instill trust in your users if they can say, "Ah, there are hundreds of sites in this industry, Industry Email List but this one- ci looks like the expert, so we'll trust them. Their About page is now a nice list of company accomplishments and accolades. Improved product pages This site has faced the challenge that most e-commerce sites face.
They had many products and Industry Email List each of their product pages used the manufacturer's stock description. There was really no reason for Google to Industry Email List display its pages on the hundreds of other sites selling the same products. They have worked hard to not only write unique product descriptions, but they have also included other helpful features on the product pages such as links to helpful guides, video instructions, and frequently asked questions about each product.
QRGs have several places where they mention that Industry Email List it is a sign of high quality if a site has helpful product pages. They also worked to reduce the amount of light content in the index by reducing the number of pages indexed by Google by almost Industry Email List a third. They removed a large number of pages that contained only one image and also removed many pages that were unlikely to ever be searched.