The day of the Solar Ritual. The OSRS GP Solar Tribe lived once more in peace on the island, and controlled the majority of the island until the Lunar People began a catastrophic war. They were pushed to a large deserted island. The Mages of Lunar Isle were worried they were being targeted by the Solar Tribe was planning something and they set out with an army to take out the Solars. As the Solars began their ritual and the Lunar Mages began to attack. The ritual would be used to control the Lunar People and force them to follow orders. However, the mages halted from doing this, and killed the King of the Solar Tribe. The Tribesmen fled in fear and were never seen again
(Player name) (Player name) I know. What I can tell you is that the Solars have taken over Lunar Isle. You have to penetrate them and discover their plans. Here, take this Lunar Communication Orb. Lokar will present you with an orb that glows and you can place it in your backpack. Talk to the orb, and it will begin to sparkle.
Ethernal Communicator: Hello (Player Name). What can you do? Who are you? I am an unamed magic stone, placed in this orb to connect with you. Magen is my name by those who carried me. Do you have any questions? Are you still there? I'm not there. But I am everywhere. As a magic stone of power, I exist only in this orb. Do you have any more questions? What do I need to know? It is necessary to speak with the Solar Cheiftan, Savarain Solar. After that, you can gain his trust by any means neccesary. To obtain Brundt, the Cheiftan's approval to travel to Solar Isle, you first must talk to him.
Hello, (Freminnik Name). How can I help? I need approval to travel to Solar Isle. Why do you want to the island? Radimus Erkle asked me to stop a "Great Evil". Well I suppose I can allow you to travel to that area. I will not allow you to damage my ships.Brundt offers you a seal that is similar to the seal that allows passage. Go talk with Lokar, the Sailor through Lokar. Good Day Sailor.
Many Greetings, OSRS gold for sale (Freminnik Name). What can you do to help me on this day of security? Would you like to go to Solar Isle? Sailor: I've known you for a long time and believe you're brave enough to travel. I need 3 pieces of swamptar, and a piece of cloth. Let me repair the ship.