We’ve translated many of our blog posts into German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian.
Why? Because we realized that there were tons of people our content and product could benefit who don’t speak English as their first language.
If you’re worried about translation costs, here’s a tip: work with your customers. Offer your product for free in exchange for a certain number of translations per month. This was what we did in the beginning:
The workload like this whatsapp number list allows both the vendor and the affiliate to focus on. Clicks are the number of clicks coming to your website’s URL from organic search results.
Now we’ve gone one step further and are also translating our videos:
10. Piggyback on big sites to rank for competitive keywords
It’s hard to compete for certain keywords as a small business. For example, the search results for the query “best coffee machines” are dominated by big websites.
Outranking these behemoths would be a huge undertaking. Most of us don’t have the resources to get there anytime soon.
But there’s another option: write a guest post for a big, relevant website and piggyback off their reputation and authority to rank. This allows you to occupy valuable SERP real estate, even if it’s not on the website you own.
For example, I wrote a guest post for SmartBlogger two years ago. Today, the page still ranks high in Google for over 231 keywords and generates an estimated ~600 monthly organic visits.