In the event that the player does not possess any Chaos Shards, they will be unable to make use of the Awakening Ability. A player will not be able to use any of the Awakening Abilities that they have unlocked if they do not have any Chaos Shards in their inventory. However, as a reward for completing the initial quest for the Awakening Ability, the player will be given some Chaos Shards to use in their character. Because the game features a large number of significant resources that are made available for the players to use, they will have plenty of opportunities to engage in a variety of activities, such as traveling from one merchant to another and exploring the world. This is due to the fact that the game features. To our great relief, accumulating Chaos Shards does not present even a fraction of the challenge posed by accumulating a wide range of other items. The player is provided with all of the information that they require, making it possible for them to successfully acquire this resource as a result of reading this article. These skills are available to use for any of the available classes in the game. It is highly likely that a player who has reached level 50 will want to make gaining access to these abilities their top priority in order to make the most of their potential once they have reached that level. This is because once a player has reached level 50, they are able to unlock more powerful abilities that allow them to do more. The good news is that in order for the player to fuel their powers, they will not be required to excavate Chaos Shards from the stomach of a mythic dragon. This is a significant change from previous iterations of the game. The unfortunate news can be traced back to this location all the way back to its source. There could be general merchants located in other areas as well. EU Central Sirius Lost Ark Gold is also possible for the player to open the World Map and conduct a search for General Merchant in order to find a suitable vendor. This option is available to the player. The player has access to this choice in their arsenal. It is necessary for the player to engage in conversation with the General Merchant once they have discovered their location in order to trigger the opening of the vendor's shop. It is not necessary for the player to repeatedly buy a single shard because they are able to buy stacks of them all at once by using the Shift key and clicking on the item, which saves a significant amount of time. Buying multiple shards at once is done by pressing the Shift key while clicking on the item. To purchase multiple shards at once, simply hold down the Shift key while clicking on the item you wish to purchase. The unfavorable piece of information is that the cost of each shard that you buy will be set at a price of 250 silver. You will be required to pay this price.
It is essential to be aware of a couple of specifics regarding the purchase of Chaos Shards, and this is especially true for players who are just beginning their time spent engaging in the game. In particular, it is important to be aware of the following:It is especially essential to be aware of the following, in particular:There are four one-of-a-kind things that can be discovered in Lost Ark, and when their names are put together, they all have a cadence that is very similar to that of the other items. Each of these can be exchanged for other items, put toward the purchase of upgraded equipment, or put toward any one of a wide variety of other applications that are also a possibility. As a result of this, going to a General Merchant as frequently as is required in order to maintain a sufficient supply of Chaos Shards is something that ought to be done whenever it is possible to do so, and this is something that ought to be done. Additionally, going to a General Merchant as frequently as is required in order to maintain a sufficient supply of Chaos Shards is something that ought to be done. It is possible for a player to keep Chaos Shards in their inventory until the point in time when the Awakening skill requires them to be used. This storage option is available to players. It is strongly recommended that you refrain from making use of your awakening skill while it is on its cooldown, and instead save it for more difficult content where you will require the additional boost. You can increase the number of chaos shards in your collection by making a purchase of additional shards from the General Goods Vendor located in your main town. Your collection will be able to accommodate a greater variety of shards as a result of this opportunity. Consequently, you ought to be able to discover this there. After you have located the vendor, you will be able to proceed with this step. This is especially the case if you use the item frequently or more than once in a single session. You can save yourself the trouble of clicking your mouse more than 200 times by using the modifier Shift+Click on the Chaos Shards item in the vendor interface. Because it is likely that you will need to purchase a large quantity of these shards, you can save yourself the trouble of clicking your mouse more than once. This will enable you to purchase additional shards without requiring you to click your mouse button as frequently, thereby saving you time. You will have increased control over your purchase as a result of this because you will have the ability to select the precise number of shards that you wish to acquire. The very first time you put your newly unlocked Awakening Ability to use after it has been unlocked, you will be required to make use of Chaos Shards in order to do so. This requirement will remain in place for as long as the ability remains unlocked. After you have used the initial supply of chaos shards that you receive at the end of the quest, you may find yourself wondering where else in Lost Ark you are able to acquire additional shards of chaos. This is a natural occurrence because you will have used up the initial supply that you received at the end of the quest. This is because after completing the quest, you were presented with an initial supply of chaos shards as a reward. This is the reason for this. We pretty much cover every single facet of this topic that there is to cover when it comes to this subject!