The show aired from 1999 until 2007, The Sopranos follows the chief of Elden Ring Runes a crime-related family in New Jersey who struggles to control his criminal empire and mental health. The show is considered to be among the top TV series of all time, the show uses masterful written and directed writing to tackle controversial topics such as crime, American culture, and mental disease. The show has also inspired many memes, that have all been used in connection with video games. A particular scene in which Tony Soprano flees from the FBI is now a popular meme in which one person injects Tony Soprano into Fallout: New Vegas to make him run away from a mighty Deathclaw.
Reddit user SuperGalaxy3000 has recently inserted SuperGalaxy3000 as the Sopranos protagonist into the world of Elden Ring to reflect most players' first experiences. The scene was intended to depict Tony fleeing from the FBI however, the incredible editing instead lets the mafia don flee in the direction of Tree Sentinel. This field boss can be seen when Elden Ring players enter the zone of the start of Limgrave which causes many to be stunned and struck by the opponent's speed and strength. Tony Soprano knows when to bet on his own, however, so SuperGalaxy3000's clip shows his varsity athletic ability by having him run immediately away.
Some Elden Ring fans have used memes to make fun of the soul-sucking epic, but others make use of them to critique the opposition. A single Elden Ring meme about Ubisoft for instance envisions FromSoftware as FromSoftware title as a messy mess to demonstrate its strengths against rival games. The meme covers the game's simple user interface by elden ring weapons for sale displaying quest-related logs a mini-map as well as ads for microtransactions inside the game that resemble the look of an Ubisoft project. Although the attack on Ubisoft's open-world games like the Assassin's Conqueror may not be true, the meme does illustrate how Elden Ring offers the most unique open-world experience.