If it's seasonal and pressing, it will grab my attention, because I know it's something I need to address right away. Persistent ideas that can be posted at any time may very well stay in my inbox forever until I need some filler content. If you don't want your story to be lost in limbo, make it something that grabs attention. Advertising Continue reading below Do your homework Research everything and everyone you feature. It goes far beyond your story idea. Know exactly what your target ad has already covered on the topic and what gaps need to be filled. Know exactly who you're emailing and make sure it's the right publisher. Stalk me on social media to see what interests me. Engage with me authentically.
Join the conversation. Twitter and Instagram have very low barriers to entry which makes it easy to get your name in front hair masking service of me. Instead of sending cold emails, make sure I can put a face to a name. Start this process long before you ask for anything. Every interaction helps build a relationship and puts the feelers out there. But keep in mind that when you only have one chance to make a first impression, attention to detail matters. If you call me by the wrong name or misspell my very basic name, you better believe I'll notice and remember, no matter how good your idea. Be real. Just tell me you like something I wrote if it's true. I don't need to be buttered.
Make me an offer I can't refuse As Sujan Patel so succinctly puts it, it's not about you. Always think about what's in it for them. And if it's nothing, well, it's time to move on. When trying to sell yourself or build a relationship, keep the principles of persuasion in mind. If you offer something for free (whether it's the entire article or something as simple as retweeting and sharing their existing articles), they may take notice and feel inclined to reciprocate. You may need to take a hit on your pricing, but if it's a publication you really respect and deem worthy, "free samples" are a way to show off your work and earn your stripes. , therefore, to say.